Wednesday Oct 28, 2020

The 8 of Swords: You are Not Trapped | #013

Welcome to episode 13 of Creating Consciousness! Are you feeling victim to your own circumstance? Today's card the 8 of Swords is showing you that although you may feel that way, you have decisions that need to be made so that you can move forward. Circumstances will change and you will no longer feel trapped in your own environment. Your current situation is no longer serving you. You are not trapped. There is a way out, but it requires some effort. 

Take some time to listen to the insight in this episode. One big take away- when you think of the worst case scenario, you are being pulled into that frequency. Ultimately, making it more difficult to receive an answer to your solutions. 

Intuitive Question:

What self-imposed limiting belief is holding me back?

Meditate on this question and receive an answer. Meditate on your answer. Journal on what comes up. 

Full Blue Moon Ceremony

Join me on October 30 at 6:00pm AZ time for an evening of grounding and manifestation!

Under the energy of the full blue moon, we will be working with Spirit to facilitate spiritual clearing and establish the physical ground work you need to manifest your deepest desires.

We will begin by invoking healing and grounding and will send our pain to Goddess Gaia for her to transmute through a grounding meditation. We will offer our intentions to the cosmos through a specific visualization ritual. In a virtual safe space, we will step out of fated lives and into our destiny!

Each attendee will receive an oracle card reading at the end of the ceremony.

I look forward to creating a safe container for you to explore your subconscious and call in your manifestations!

Use code BLUEMOON for 15% off tickets! To reserve your space, click here


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Rebecca is available Monday-Thursday for virtual Spiritual Coaching and Energy Healing sessions. For more information about sessions with Rebecca, click here.

To book a session:



I put so much time and effort into producing these podcasts and I would love your support! Please subscribe, rate and review this podcast as this helps me reach more people who are beginning their healing journey. Remember, for the whole month of October, if you subscribe and leave a 5-star rating and review, you are automatically entered to win a free 1-on-1 session with me! Winner is announced November 1st on my Instagram. I am so grateful to each and everyone one of you!


Creating Consciousness is a daily podcast, hosted by Rebecca Wierman of This Consciousness Spiritual Coaching & Intuitive Healing, reflecting back to you the energies of your subconscious through tarot, channeling, and spiritual guidance. New episodes are released every Monday through Friday.


Big thank you to Nick Armendariz (@nick_armendariz) for trouble shooting my audio!

Big thank you to Savvy Ln. Designs by Savannah Pryfogle for the beautiful podcast cover art! Check out more of her work here:

Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

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